
project_GLaMRE log 01

Welcome back! Last time we discussed the humble origins of Project GLaMRE, and how it was inspired by a series of C#/WPF practice projects from the book Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice . This will be a continuation of the last post, so if you'd like to get fully caught up, you can do so here . For the C++ engine, the goal was to use it for all the current and future 3D projects in the 'Computer Graphics Principles and Practice' book, as well as to recreate all the previous 2D projects from the book. This objective gave me a sizable to-do list of features to add or create. It was a finite list with a clear starting point, and I simply added whatever feature seemed logical next. Here's a list of things I knew I would need, some of which were in the old engine, and others were new features that the old engine might have struggled with: Rendering a series of 2D and 3D primitive shapes (triangles, cubes, spheres, cylinders, etc.) Phong Lighting/Shading Directional...

project_GLaMRE log 00

Welcome to the world where bits, bytes, matter, magic, and chaos all blend seamlessly. Meet Project GLaMRE: the graphics engine I'm writing in C++ with OpenGL , just for funsies. It stands for Graphics Library and Media Rendering Engine. My current mission? To create an engine that's not only fast and performant but also offers me nuanced, granular control over every aspect of the rendered image. The ultimate goal? To create visually striking graphics that I think look neat, and hopefully you will think they look neat, too. I'm making this blog to document progress as a personal reference, and as a way to promote and demonstrate the project. This blog might be a mess for a bit; I haven't 'blogged' in a while so I plan on just throwing some digital spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks.  If you're not interested in reading all of my technical blabbering, I hope to still make it entertaining to scroll through by frequently sprinkling in videos and scre...